domingo 30 de marzo de 2025
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Is it possible to look beautiful every morning? We think it is!

Looking stunning every morning it is possible and quite achievable. The key: achieving a successful makeup routine with these guidelines and using all the products that Palladio has for you.

1- Clean your face before starting. We advise you to use cleanser if your skin is dry or liquid soap if your skin is oily or mixt

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2- Then, apply facial tonic, moisturizing and sunscreen. You will not only have a soft skin, but you will also be protected of the merciless ultraviolet rays.

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3- If you want your makeup to last long hours and your face to be protected, we strongly recommend to use Palladio Primers , they rule! Foundation Primer te will leave your skin face ready for makeup and the Eyeshadow Primer will enhance your eyeshadow color all day. It’s makeup o’clock!

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4- Concealer: you can find them in a stick, to cover the most visible imperfections and in liquid for those imperfections that are not so visible.

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– You will use the closest to your skin tone to cover all the face.

– The green is perfect for when you have red spots or stains on the face.

– The yellow is to cover dark circles and blue pigments.

– The medium tone is for the eyelid, to enhance and set the right color of your eyeshadows.

5- Foundation: you should apply it until your jaw and fade it out with taps using a little sponge.

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6- Powder: in this case you can choose from:

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Dual Wet & Dry Foundation you can use it in two different ways: dry to nuance and retouch and wet to get a better coverage. This is a must in your makeup bag!

Rice Powder: these are particularly wonderful, especially for those with an oily face skin. These are the perfect final touch for your makeup.

7- Blush: do you know where is the perfect place to apply it? Easy, put two fingers next to your nose over your chick, and this is the place where you should put it. Smile also helps to have a better look 🙂

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8- Contouring: Palladio Palladio has the amazing product THE DEFINER Contour + Highlight Crayon, that has a light tip to illuminate and soften the shadows, and also, a darker tone to emphasize features. To define the features of your face quickly, use the darker tip drawing a 3 over your temple, under your chicks and finalizing in the lower jaw.

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9- Eyeshadow: put some light under your eyebrow and then make some sort of “<” (like the v flip on a side) in the extremes with a darker tone and after fade everything. Use your favorite color in the eyelid and above the “<”to fade everything.

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10- Mascara: the one in charge to put some spark in your eyes, never forget it! You can curl your eyelashes first and then apply your favorite mascara.

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11- Eyebrows: with the Brow Powder try to give your eyebrows a semi-squared beginning and then fill them up a little bit with the same product, so they can stay defined and look natural at the same time.

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12- Lipstick: fill your lips from inside to outside with an eyeliner, then apply some powder and then your favorite lipstick. There are many colors to choose from!

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After this amazing makeup routine, you will leave your house being an improved version of yourself!

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Temas relacionados Beautiful, make-up, Palladio, woman
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