miércoles 26 de marzo de 2025
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¡Hay agua en Marte! Científicos descubrieron este preciado líquido bajo la superficie del planeta rojo

Sin lugar a duda, se trata de uno de los descubrimientos científicos más importantes de los últimos años y que deja el interrogante si podría existir vida en Marte, ¿qué crees?

? There’s liquid water!⠀ ⠀ Radar data collected by our Mars Express point to a pond of liquid water buried under layers of ice and dust in the south polar region of Mars.⠀ ⠀ The bright horizontal feature at the top of this image corresponds to the icy surface of Mars. Layers of the south polar layered deposits – layers of ice and dust – are seen to a depth of about 1.5 km. Below is a base layer that in some areas is even much brighter than the surface reflections, while in other places is rather diffuse. The brightest reflections from the base layer – close to the centre of this image – are centred around 193°E/81°S in all intersecting orbits, outlining a well-defined, 20 km wide subsurface anomaly that is interpreted as a pond of liquid water. ⠀ ⠀ Follow the link in our bio to learn more⠀ ⠀ ? @europeanspaceagency / @NASA / @nasajpl / @asi_spazio / Univ. Rome; R. Orosei et al 2018

Una publicación compartida de ESA (@europeanspaceagency) el 25 Jul, 2018 a las 9:28 PDT

Temas relacionados Agua, Hielo, Italia, Lago, Marte, NASA, trafico
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