jueves 6 de marzo de 2025
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Conoce todo de las gatas gemelas ¡Las mas hermosas del mundo!

Esta bella condición esta anomalía se llama heterocromía y ocurre cuando una persona u otra especie animal tiene demasiada o muy poca melanina en el cuerpo ¡Las gemelas más lindas!
  1. Sus nombres son Iriss y Abyss.
  2. Nacieron el año 2015 en San Petersburgo, Rusia.
  3. Son inseparables, juguetonas y aman la cámara.
  4. Ambas tienen el ojo derecho de color amarillo y el izquierdo de color azul.
  5. ¡Son hermosas!
  6. Las puedes seguir en el  Instagram que su dueño les hizo y que ya alcanza los 48 mil seguidores.

50 years ago the favorite universe of our parents appeared. The Universe of Star Trek. Its creator Ugene Wesley “Gene” Roddenberry believed in the bright future of mankind and always emphasized it in the show. Everybody was equal on board of Enterprise. White, African-Americans, Russians, Japanese, Americans, men, women, aliens and humans – they all work together. The ideal world without money, without violence is the world we all want to live in one day. A couple days ago another Star Trek movie was premiered. It is a dedication! Dedication to a person who was significant to this Universe. Without him Star Trek would have never been the way we know it. It was a dedication to Leonard Nimoy. A year and a half passed since he crossed the final frontier where no man has gone before. Live long…mr.Spock! ?? Rest in peace Leonard…and Anton. ——————————————– #startrek #startrekmovie #startrekart #startrek50art #startrekbeyond #catloversclub #cutepetclub #cats_of_world #bestmeow #instacatsrussia #инстаграмзверят #meow_beauties #animalsco #Showmeyourkittiez #ilovemycat #we_love_cats #catsoftheday #lovecats #weeklyfuff #catsofinstagram #7catdays #bestcats_oftheworld #instacat_meows #awesomecatfacts #excellent_kittens #cat_features #excellent_cats #catsofworld #bestmeow #my_loving_pet

Una foto publicada por Iriss&Abyss (@sis.twins) el 23 de Jul de 2016 a la(s) 3:13 PDT

Today is our 6 months birthday! ?We’ve been on instagram for 3 months already! And for these 3 months we’ve been receiving so much love!❤️ Thanks to all of our 13,5k followers! Thanks to each and everyone for your kind words and ig love! Thanks to every public for credits and features! We feel so blessed! ?? This is just a beginning of our big journey! So we are ready to share and fascinate!!!?✨ Meow! ??? ——————————————– #catloversclub #cutepetclub #cats_of_world #bestmeow #instacatsrussia #инстаграмзверят #фотопетшопру #meow_beauties #Showmeyourkittiez #ilovemycat #instagramcats #we_love_cats #catsoftheday #lovecats #heterochromia #catsofinstagram #7catdays #bestcats_oftheworld #great_captures_cats #thedailykitten #instacat_meows #awesomecatfacts #excellent_kittens #cat_features #excellent_cats #catsofworld #kotomania #meowvswoof #catsliker #bestmeow

Una foto publicada por Iriss&Abyss (@sis.twins) el 11 de May de 2016 a la(s) 12:58 PDT

Temas relacionados Gatas, Gemelas, Hermosas
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